Amazing Island
From Hervey Bay we made a day trip to the Fraser Island. Fraser Island is the largest sand island of the world with a length of more than 120km and a width of 25km. On this island it is mandatory to have a four wheel car if you plan to drive here. Because our car doesn´t have four wheel drive and the island is too big to explore by feet, we decided to book a guided tour to see as much as possible of this island within one day. The ferry ride took about 45 minutes and it was really full of people and cars, up to 1000 people visit this island every day. When we arrived at Kingfisher Bay we had to look out for our tour bus. The busses are custom made by the company MAN, huge buses with very strong springs, elevated and of course four wheel drive.
From Kingfisher Bay we drove to the lake Mc Kenzie through the “Rollercoaster” path. And yes, the drive was really like a rollercoaster, we were really swung inside the bus and the driver was accelerating the bus instead driving slowly, what a fun. All the roads are just sand, impossible to drive with a common car. The Mc Kenzie Lake is a crystal clear lake, it has no natural spring and no drainage, all water is provided by rain. Unfortunately during that day it was cloudy and fresh in the morning, so we didn´t go to the lake to swim. After we visited the lake we drove to Central Station to have a short walk through the rain forest. It´s really unbelievable that everything here grows on sand, you wouldn´t think that when you see the green forest. When we finished walking, we went to Eurong to have a break and lunch. From Eurong we drove along the 75 Mile Beach at the East coast of this island. It´s officially a highway with signs and speed limit, and there are two policemen on this island who also do speed monitoring. On the 75 Mile Beach you can see the wreck of the Maheno, it lies here since 1935. The last station of our trip was the Eli creek, here we had some tea and cookies and went for a short creek walk, it´s a lovely landscape. Unfortunately it was the end of the day tour and we had to go back to the main island to Hervey Bay. In the evening we met Denise and Oli, we went out for dinner together. It was a fantastic day for us, really lovely.